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Go Digital and Create a Paperless Hospital!

Searching for a traditional paper-based medical record from thousands others is very tough, time consuming and a bit annoying task. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is technological advancement in healthcare industry to overcome this challenge.

Digital version of medical records helps hospitals in storing the historical patient's records that gets added with every visit to the hospital. Creating EMR by digitalizing traditional paper based records helps archival and retrieval of information at anytime, anywhere.

Digitization eliminates the need for carrying paper-based medical records for patients every time they visit the doctor. It helps hospital by saving their precise time and also storage space, besides providing medico-legal compliance for record maintenance.

Validus helps you digitize medical records, help store and retrieve at click of a button.

Do you Digitize?

Don't frisk through patient's case sheets. Just digitize them! Archive your hospital's records and retrieve them anytime. Save Time, Money & Space.

Go Digital . Get quote now!